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Writer's pictureAnne

The Vinedresser

The grape vine is a popular design in art and décor these days. Besides its beauty, it’s fun to grow as it offers abundant shade and produces a great healthy snack. Taken literally, it’s often associated with gossip, and there’s a fun dance step with the same name!

There are many wonderful products to enjoy from the grape. Jams and jellies, juice, and of course WINE! Obviously, the better quality of grapes, the better the resulting product. To appreciate a good vineyard and its prime fruit, we must thank the Vinedresser, the person who prunes, trains, and cultivates the vines.

Worldwide, there are many ideal locations for healthy vineyards. Sometimes, however, to expand the variety and quality of the grapes, vines are brought in from foreign places. Napa Valley, California, for instance, may import rich, hearty grapevines from Italy in Eastern Europe.

When original vines are planted in foreign soil, they have no immunity to pests in the new environment, and they will die. The DNA in their root stock provides a natural immunity to protect the vines from destructive insects. Grafting is a necessary process which connects the branches with the fortified rootstock. The native vines have immunity if they remain connected to the rootstock.

“I am the true vine, my Father is the Vinedresser…you are the branches.” John 15

This well-versed passage is a masterful image of our intimate relationship with God. The duties and responsibilities of the Vinedresser provide insight into the words of Truth told to us in John’s gospel. The Vinedresser’s busy job is to constantly care for and know His vines, representing our Father’s continual and faithful attention to us.

Like original vines, we are grafted from this foreign land into the life of Christ Jesus through our Baptism. Staying connected to Him protects us from all evils in this world that causes death. He provides the immunity, the graces, we need to thrive and bear good fruit.

The Vinedresser is extremely attentive to His fruitful vines. He will prune the worthless dead ends, (our earthly attachments?) so sap won’t be wasted in them. This promotes healthier, more abundant fruit. No one like this painful purification process. Yet, suffering makes us holy and is bearable when seen with eyes of faith.

The Vinedresser knows His vines and their weak spots. He knows what they can handle and allows them to undergo the stress of the environment. This will enhance the flavor of the grapes. Often, we find ourselves in stressful situations. But our Vinedresser knows us better than we know ourselves. He knows our strengths and weaknesses. With prayerful trust in Him, we receive the graces, the means, to deal with our trials.

The Gospel message instinctively comes with a warning. Branches not bearing fruit will be cut off and gathered. It is important the dead branches be set aside from the thriving vines as they breed insects and can cause harm. Once separated, they must be gathered and burned, (an unpleasant analogy), referring to total separation from God forever.

As we allow the Word to live in us, we follow His commandments and remain connected to Christ, the True Vine. We live abundantly in the mysteries of Faith, Hope, and Love. “…By our fruits, we will be known” Matt 7:20

Faith is the greatest gift we can give our children. To graft them into Baptism of the Christian Family, we are blessing them with a supernatural grace of early protection from the perils of this foreign land. Like rich sap of holiness, the power of this grace is readily available to tap into at any time.

Let’s hope to drink of the new wine all together in our Heavenly home some day! But for now, amici, the next time you enjoy a nice glass of vino...swirl it, sniff it, but before you taste it…

Offer up a toast of thanksgiving to the Great Vinedresser!

Dio sia ringraziato!

Ciao for now!

Until our next walk through the garden


1 comment

1 commentaire

12 sept. 2021

Great post, Annie!

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