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  • Writer's pictureAnne

The Prayer Garden

You are invited to walk with me through a garden filled with hope and peace. Leave your worries behind, take a deep, cleansing breath and let’s go!

Follow the steppingstones strategically placed to guide us without effort offering perfect access to the garden’s beauty. Notice before entering, a sense of calm is already being manifested in our souls as often occurs when approaching a place of prayer.

Unlike a labyrinth, our garden is designed to promote ease and freedom. Its path is uncomplicated, luring us to visit often. In fact, at this moment, there is no place else we’d rather be! Let’s be present and see what our garden offers us today.

We pass under an arbor, alive with flowering vine. The clematis is considered a symbol of spiritual beauty, making it a perfect threshold to welcome us at the start of our prayer garden experience.

The fragrant flowers envelope us, engaging our senses. Another deep breath…. Take in the romantic perfume. The morning glory are open! The day is just beginning. Give a prayer of thanksgiving for the unlimited possibilities it brings! Smile with anticipation and let’s proceed.

Our path is bordered with colorful pansies, coexisting with cheerful daisies as we come to a bed of Anemone. The little buttercuplike flowers represent renewal. They are perfectly placed as the Greek word ‘anemos’ means ‘the wind’ thus calling on the Holy Spirit. May the Giver of Life renew our hearts, our minds, and our souls. Allow Him to lead us further.

Glance to our left, beyond the stretch of wildflowers, and behold the notorious grapevine. It brings us back to our childhood, and better yet, to biblical days. Grapes bookend the holy bible, from Noah’s post flood vineyard planting in Genesis to God treading the winepress of His wrath in Revelation.

“I am the vine; you are the branches” John 15:5

Lord, make us an extension of your love.

We follow the path almost remotely, freeing our spirit to explore. The fragrance is familiar, Mother Mary is near. The universal love she offers is always found in the rose, but also in the white lily. They both adorn the grotto where she awaits our company, surrounded by lovely hues of periwinkle and marigolds. It is a good time to pause on the provided bench, breathe deeply. What will you say to the Queen of Heaven?

While enjoying Mother Mary’s friendship, we notice the sparrow. Softly perched atop our Lady’s hand. The human soul is often visualized as a humble sparrow flying away from the body at death, finding its way home. The moment is sweet, knowing are destiny lies in her Son’s loving and merciful hands. Enjoy the song of the birds, offer prayers for those who have gone before us. Rest in the moment.

A white butterfly draws near. Our hearts flutter.

To dwell in God’s presence, we go deep within ourselves and encounter Him there, where time is of no essence. We lose ourselves; we find peace.

We wish we could stay, but duties in life call.

We brush past the significant bleeding heart and gaze back once more, to give thanks, and pray for this newly discovered grace to continue flowing throughout our day.

A place of prayer offers unlimited possibilities. Follow your own path and let God reveal them.

St. Faustina said it perfectly...

“God’s love is the flower; His mercy is the fruit.”

What’s in your garden?

Be blessed!

Until our next walk through the garden



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