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Writer's pictureAnne

The Path of an Angel

In the beginning…

“Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guide you on your way.” Ex 23:20

Angels are ever present within the gap between the invisible presence of God’s realm and the visible activity of our everyday life. They are a representation of God’s infinite love for us.

The Angel’s Request

The God of Creation calls forth one heavenly attendant. “I have a detailed task for you, my Angel.” With great reverence, the excited Angel bows. “Oh, thank you, my Lord of Hosts! I have been waiting for my turn to serve and I rejoice in bringing about your honor and glory!”

“Will You be needing me as a Counselor My Lord?” the eager Angel asks. “For they are profoundly involved in Your Divinity and all of creation. I would be honored to be among the Seraphim, as they are pure light and so close to Your source of Holiness! Or will I be assigned to the Cherubim, whose main role is of prayerful blessings? Perhaps I will be among the choir of Thrones, which represent Your fairness and uphold the vast cosmos. I can join them in the bridging of material and spiritual worlds!”

“No, my Angel.” God replies. “I have another path in mind for you.”

“Would You consider me a Governor, Almighty One? I can protect all that is divine and holy as do the choir of Dominions. I see how they manage Your angels and protect against evil. Do the Virtues need help transmitting power to work miracles as they rule over all existing things? Oh Lord, how the sun, the moon and all celestial bodies obey them through Your Order! Or perhaps the choir of Powers who align themselves with the stars could use assistance as they purify the universe?” The willing Angel persists.

“No, my Angel.” God replies. “I have another path in mind for you.”

“Perhaps will I join the Messengers who are nearest to the earth? I can aid in caring for all created beings. Humanity desperately needs special guidance to manage your most precious gift of free will.”

“You are getting closer to your purpose, my Angel.”

The special Angel considers the choir of Celestial Principalities who watch over planet earth and help promote peace. He lowers his head and ponders how desperate mankind is for holy protection of healthy social structures and life-giving organizations. He prays solemnly if he would join their workforce.

All-knowing Father looks upon His good Angel and sees his genuine concern. He too, of course, is aware of the corruption of morals and lack of respect for His name on earth. He smiles and commends His bright servant for being so caring and attentive.

“My beloved Angel,” replies Almighty God, “Your path is of great importance. Under the supervision of my Archangels, you will be assigned to one most loved soul. You are to be My Presence of Light from the moment of his conception guarding him from the culture of death. You will be his constant companion throughout his earthly life. Being made in My image, you will be easily attracted to this soul and your gentle guidance will bring him back to Me at my appointed time.”

The Angel bows in obedience as he receives his mission with immense thanksgiving and blessings.

This child-like narrative is purposely written so we might be aware of our Guardian Angels with the innocent faith of children. A simple mindset frees our spirit to ask our Angels for protection and permits them to teach and guide us as God orders them. Yet, they are shy beings and would never interfere with our free will.

Our paths are so intimately connected to our dear Guardian Angels. We may even have more than one! When we acknowledge them, they provide a keen ability to unite with all the myriads of the Celestial Choir of Angels! Wow, what a gift from heaven! Thank you, Lord God, for our Angels!

Angel of God, my Guardian Dear

To whom His love entrusts me here.

Ever this day be at my side,

To light, to guard, to rule and guide. Amen

Angelic Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden



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