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The Game of Life

In the beginning…

The spirit of competition was inevitable.

“…when they were in the field, Cain rose up against Abel…” Gen 4:8

Beyond the Garden of Eden was a field of dreams, however, today it seems more like a field of schemes. In our broken humanity, we need prayerful discernment of fundamentals in the Game of Life!

Take me out to the ballgame!

Everyone loves a good ole’ game of baseball. It is a favorite national pastime and most everyone can play and understand the game.

George Herman ‘Babe’ Ruth is of the top 100 baseball players of all time. His achievements are remarkable, but his spirituality was his hidden gift. He wrote a letter about the truths of faith he learned along the way to success. Although he died in 1948, his letter can be used to teach children even today.

As a small child, George lived up the stairs of his father’s saloon. His parents took little involvement in his life, and thus he was not taught the difference between right and wrong. Considered a juvenile delinquent, he was sent to St. Mary’s Industrial School in Baltimore. There he met a great mentor, Bro. Matthias, who recognized his baseball talents.

Though bitter from the absence of family forming and desperately lacking in appeal, he still found his way to professional baseball. “God had an eye out for me, just as he does for you!” he wrote in his letter. He stressed the importance to teach our children! Babe never forgot his religious training. He just chose to overlook it!

He was anxious to enjoy life to the fullest, and it had concerning effects on his health, his performance, his team and even his fans. He asked God to help him change. In 1946, he was hospitalized to undergo a serious surgery. A close friend suggested he ‘get his house in order’. Babe received the healing sacrament of reconciliation and Holy Communion. He came to forgiveness and with the Grace of God he was worry free! He turned his life over to the Lord!

In recovery, his wife brought him a letter from a very ill lad from Jersey City. The 7th grader wrote how his whole class was praying for the Great Babe Ruth! He enclosed a medal of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. ‘If you wear this’, the faithful fan wrote, ‘it will make you well again and you will hit your 61st homerun!’

The Babe gained enough strength to notoriously hit that home run. Soon after, the esophageal cancer took his life. Babe Ruth wore that medal to his grave.

George Herman Ruth was given a natural gift to play the game of baseball, but he desperately lacked fundamentals in the Game of Life. His legacy of greatness should include his path of faith, which ultimately helped fulfill his lifetime career achievements.

We need to be sideline coaches for kids today. When did we last go to bat for someone to prove our faith in them? Or give a pat on the back with encouragement to stay in the game? Young people today are seriously eager for pep talks and spring training! Can we get off the bench and be team players?

Win or lose…it’s how you play that counts.

Everyone we meet is in the Game of Life and every day we are in a new line-up. Who is on your roster today? How can we step up to the plate and help someone advance in God’s goodness? Remember, a walk is as good as a hit, small virtuous deeds advance the runner!

Just when we think we’ve got it, life throws us a curve. We can’t seem to keep our eye on the ball and stay in the moment. Perhaps we take too big of a lead in ego and we get picked off. There are times when we are asked to hit a sacrifice fly and take one for the good of the team. Be sure to take tips from Jesus on sac-flies. No player on earth could ever do it better! (John 15:13)

When we stand and sing during the 7th inning stretch, (even God rested on the seventh day) pause and give Thanks and Praise! We are still in the game! As we strive for the ultimate victory to slide into Heavenly Home plate, be sure to notice signs, signals, and private revelations from our ‘Angels in the Outfield’!

It seems the Great Bambino noticed them too!

Team blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden




Connie Fossa
Connie Fossa
Jun 28, 2021

As we mature the crescendo of life's ups and downs become more obvious and as we strive for Christ and come closer to our Creator through Mary we recognize the Joy He gives us when our mission is accomplished. Thank You to our spiritual family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph for our many blessings. CFossarn


Elayne Russo
Elayne Russo
Jun 02, 2021

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