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Writer's pictureAnne

The Eye of the Storm

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Hurricane season is officially here. Though more predictable these days, severe weather can still take us by surprise and wreak havoc to everything in its path.

The eye of the hurricane is the calmest section. The skies are often clear and winds relatively light. The strong surface winds converge towards the center of the storm and create a force, so they can never reach the center. This intensity deflects the wind slightly away from midpoint, leaving the eye of the storm calm.

Life can be a series of storms, one after another. We no sooner get through one, when another might be looming right behind it. Some storms hit quickly, without much warning. Others can linger and circle around us for a long stretch of time.

We also name our storms, just as meteorologists do. Another round of chemo, a long turbulent disagreement with a family member, a sudden loss of a job, the passing of a loved one. What might be the name of your current storm?

Though there are high winds and torrent rains all around us, we are aware of that calm center, but can’t seem to find our way past the tumultuous conditions. Unlike the Eye of a Storm, which is continuously moving, we can find comfort knowing, the tranquility we seek is always deep within us. Steady and true, the Peace of God is present in the center of our being.

Are you ready for an adventure? Like the thrill seekers that journey to the center the earth, or dare to enter the eye of the storm, let’s go deep within ourselves and discover the mystical state of our very own soul.

With the help of St. Teresa of Avila, who desired to see the beauty of a soul in the state of grace, we will explore the depth of our own personal spiritual center, through the Saint’s approved mystical visions. Her book ‘The Interior Castle’ will aid me in leading you further.....

Imagine our soul as a magnificent castle filled with spacious well-lit rooms, or mansions.

To encounter the Living God in the center of our castle, the first element needed is DESIRE. Do we truly WANT to encounter the Giver of all Peace? We must trust our Lord is GOOD, so however deep we are permitted to enter, the journey will be well worth it.

Prayer of Silence

St. Teresa now offers the prayer of silence. To receive from the Source Itself, we must find quiet. Remember, we cannot make this happen, for God alone gives when, how and to whom He chooses. It takes time to prepare our souls to receive all He intends to give us. Our intellect cannot fully understand the entire value of this sweet, yet undeserving grace.

To more fully dilate our souls, we must ignore distractions. Keep free from wandering thoughts and beware of imaginary images. Here, in the outer mansions, the natural is combined with the supernatural. We are creating sacred space. The mind is not drowsy rather it lies in tranquility, as the soul longs to hear the Lord calling.

God is pleased to communicate with us and could bestow no greater gift than His presence within. Let’s be conscious of the Mighty Indwelling, as the soul keenly awaits His wonders and Wisdom.

Prayer of Union

It is in the Prayer of Union where our spirit finds repose. We are getting near the center of the soul, the inner mansions, where God Himself must dwell. Here we may find a signal blessing, a single word with deep meaning, a teaching or intuitive revelation, a heavenly mystery imprinted in our memory. Our experiences will be different, they are unique and are impossible to even fully describe.

God’s immense love has no limits, but we cannot be presumptuous and expect to hear what we wish to hear, nor seek to enter holy ecstasy found in the true center of the castle. The state of our souls may determine the depth in which we can enter. Perhaps we need to ask the Lord for His mercy. We can always do more to prepare for our next journey.

God has many ways of enriching the soul. His Love is never idle!

As we deal with our storms of anxiety and struggle, know that they do not come from our Loving Creator. God helps us bear through them as he offers us His peace. But what peace can we hope to find if there is none within us? Give the Lord thanks and fervent Praise and welcome Him into your castle!

Make every day an adventure, and we will find the desire to behold Him again and again, in the eye of our storm, in the center of our soul!

Be still, know God, and be blessed!

Until our next walk through the garden -Anne


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