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  • Writer's pictureAnne

Stained Glass Windows


We are naturally drawn to beauty. We surround ourselves in it. We look for it in nature, within ourselves and our good works, even in furnishing our homes. We deck the halls and the walls with things that are pleasing to the eye.

A favorite expression of beauty is in the Stained Glass Window. Originating back in the 2700’s BC. this ancient form of art continues to allure us and fascinate us. Filtered sunlight enhances and projects their beauty and very often, their message.

Tinted glass windows were used not only for adornment, but to relate stories to their viewers. Story telling is a very effective way of teaching. Children are eager to hear a good story and kids from 1 to 92 can be a captive audience! As we approach Christmas, look for a window displaying the Nativity…it is a fine place to start!

Depictions of biblical events help to reveal God’s unfolding plan. Each window pane has a unique story to tell. Their stories touch us differently than reading a book or listening to a speaker. The colorful images speak to the heart and spark the imagination. They tell us their story in a unique way, as we see it from our personal point of view.

The Light in the EAST

Chances are, your church is built facing the east. This is no coincidence. There are many scriptural origins referring to the east. The sunrise is considered a source of blessing and divine salvation. It reveals the glorious presence of our Creator. As human beings, we long to be united with God, so it makes sense to physically turn ourselves towards Him each morning.

The wise men looked to the east and followed the star. They found the Light of the World. Perhaps the star was not leading the wise men to the babe, but the Holy Child was leading the wise men with the star?

With the rays of the sun, stained glass windows can offer timeless passages. From creation to eternity, they relay images that speak to our hearts through spiritual vision. As you observe them, ask for the grace of deeper contemplation. Notice as time passes, filtered light casts through them and move ever so slightly. Yet, time can be of no essence. Which window might stand out to you? Which one draws you in?

As sunlight brightens the glass by day, so too, by night, a warm glow inside churches everywhere illuminate the windows from within. Listen closely, and hear the hearts of faithful lovers on fire with song and prayers of anticipation preparing for the arrival of the newborn King. Spirits rejoice, hearts all aglow, as the peace of the coming Christmas season reaches out into a cold, dark world.

The story of the Birth of Jesus should be a vital tradition every December. In the season of Yule tide carols filled with wonder, it seems only right to share stories of old. The fascinating history of the holy birth of Christ will surely renew our faith each and every year.

Let the Christmas Spirit shine through us for the world to see! We too can be like stained glass windows…and make the world a more beautiful place!

Do you search? Stop in a church

if only to see the windows!

May the Spirit of Christmas capture your heart!

PEACE and JOY to the World!

Until our next walk through the garden -Anne


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