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Writer's pictureAnne

Rise with Him

In the beginning…

In His great wisdom, God knew we would need rescue.

Right now, we find ourselves restricted to rules of social distancing and weeks of quarantine. The highly contagious COVID-19 has spun us into a whirlwind of anxiety, isolation and uncertainty.

Yet, we do not need a virus to be in confinement. We will all most likely experience limitations through the natural aging process. Too many of us are in bondage of addictive behavior or being controlled in abusive relationships. Perhaps we feel trapped in guilt or just caught up in our own negative thoughts.

God sent His only Son to set us FREE.

Through the sacred Word we will be consoled. Jesus came to save us from all evil. John 8:31-38 When we prayerfully take the time to read and ingest Holy Scripture, we open our hearts to the TRUTH. We discover how to surrender all which holds us captive and suppresses our spirit. As we eagerly turn to the mighty Word of God and ask Him for help and comfort, our spiritual eyes are opened, the stone is removed.

Nothing can keep us from the love of God!

In His most merciful plan, God provides the way to ultimate freedom. It radiates in the glorious light of Jesus’ Resurrection. He freely paid the price for our salvation and invites us to RISE WITH HIM. Easter is not just a day, or even a season. It is a lifestyle filled with the Grace of God with unlimited power to overcome our fears and weaknesses. It is a gift beyond our imagining. It is the gift that keeps on giving!

The good news is He loves us so much He decided to stay!

The Heavenly gift, of course, is His Holy Spirit. He has come to dwell within our souls to be close to us at every moment. This same Spirit cannot be taken from us although worldly temptations try to break it. Through Jesus, the Spirit was created with the divine intention to keep us connected to our Heavenly Father as a rich source of grace. In unity with the most Holy Trinity we find true freedom.

Easter brings us HOPE

Looking to Easter we will soon see the glorious rays of His resurrected light streaming down from Heaven. They represent the bright future and great promise that lies ahead. Although we are still working together to put an end to this pandemic, we cannot ignore the virtuous behavior we are all adopting. May we join together and dwell in the safe place Easter provides. We will become a stronger and more faithful family of God resulting from this strengthened fellowship and WE WILL RISE victorious.

Jesus will Rise with us!

In our hearts let us personally praise Him in thanksgiving and Rise with Him.

In prayerful surrender let us give Him our troubles and burdens and Rise with Him.

As we patiently help one another through this trying time we Rise with Him.

This year we may be unable to celebrate Easter in the fashion in which we are accustomed. Churches will not be openly offering services because of the Corona virus and family gatherings may be limited. Nevertheless, Jesus died to set us free…once and for all. We cannot change this most sacred event in history.

Nothing can prevent Easter from coming.

The Spirit of Christmas could not be destroyed in Who-Ville.

The COVID-19 Grinch can NEVER prevent our hearts from rejoicing!

Let us all RISE WITH HIM on Easter Morning!


Easter Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden



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