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Writer's pictureAnne

Ripple Effect

In the beginning…

Who would have thought the decision to munch on an apple would cause such horrific aftereffects?

At the moment of our conception, our embryonic existence certainly caused a decision. In God’s eyes, we ALL make a difference. The knowledge of good and evil lies deep within our subconscious. Every decision we make impacts the sea of God’s kingdom…and it causes a ripple.

“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Whether we are aware of it or not, our thoughts, words and actions have major effects on all who God puts in our path. Each one of us has personal influences in the lives of another. This comes with great responsibility to treat each other with respect and dignity. Have we given much thought as to how we may be affecting others?

It is also our decision on how we react when we are mistreated. Communication is first and most important. Most times volatile situations need better clarification for the power of forgiveness to refresh our souls and heal our relationships. Why not talk things out? There is always peace in reconciliation, never in retaliation.

The mishap of coronavirus has caused a tsunami of chaotic devastation effecting almost all nations. Though it produced enormous turbulence on the surface, deep down we can still find the peace of God. The earth was once cleansed with flooding waters, and God appointed faithful Noah to rebuild in its aftermath. If we put our trust in God, He will lead us to higher ground again.

For if by the transgression of the one the many died, how much more did the grace of God and the gracious gift of the one man, Jesus Christ overflow for the many.” Rom 5:15

When the time was right, God sent His only Son to make things new again. Christ’ life, death and resurrection has caused a tidal wave of mercy to wash us clean. Those saving waters still comfort us today. His faithful signs of credibility continue to generate tides of love and peace everywhere!

Of course, some circumstances are simply beyond our control. Violence, illness, and financial worries are a few realities in which there is only so much we can do. We gratefully can turn to our inner ‘circle of trust’ for support. But many times, all we can do is pray.

The Effects of Prayer

God already knows what we are praying for. So why bother to pray at all? The significance of prayer is not to change God, but to allow our prayers to change us. Prayer potential is limitless!


To widen the impact of our prayers, we might first show our love by sharing with those for whom we are praying. This is a proclamation of our faith. Those who have ears, let them hear!


Be clear in what we are praying for. Write down what we are asking God to do for us. Invite others to join as there is power in numbers.


Trust God hears and will answer our prayers according to His will. Perhaps our persistence will expedite His faithful response.


With expectant faith, give thanks as we witness His loving mercy. Keep in mind, His ways are not always our ways.


The impact of our prayers does not end with us. Its ripple effects have the power to change the lives of others and ultimately the world. Thy will be done!


Cultural Revolution vs God’s Revelation

Sadly, media and other outside influences are causing great waves of fear over our land. (2 Tim 1:7) We CAN control how this affects us! Sometimes, no reaction is the best reaction! Reflect on the prayerful practice of bringing all things to the Lord. Perhaps start a new ripple of love with a friendly smile, an act of kindness, or a ‘pay it forward’ movement and let the grace of God flow freely.

How might God be calling you personally to help calm this storm?

The peace of God grows in those who know Him well.

We need only to invite Him into our boat.

Blessings of Peace to all…

Until our next walk through the garden…

- Anne


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