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Writer's pictureAnne

Just Breathe…

In the beginning…

“The Lord God formed man… and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…” Gen 2:7

This very same breath gives us life today. Imagine the Creator of the universe so very near, infusing His life in us with every breath we take. An overwhelming and humbling thought! We are living in a troubled world today. We may easily lose sight of this intimate and loving connection He desires.

"Be still and know that I am God." Ps 46:10

To gain a deeper understanding of our relationship with God, we might listen for His voice. Often it comes to us as a soft whisper to the heart. We need to quiet ourselves so much as to listen to our own breathing. In this stillness, we discover God in a very personal way. We remove all distractions and focus on the reality of His presence. If we make this a daily priority, it becomes a virtuous habit to seek Him in all matters throughout the day.

"When we pause to seek the peace that surpasses all understanding,

we find the presence of God." (Phil 4:7)

Meditation therapy is on the rise as it teaches very effective breathing techniques to help our mind, body, and spirit experience peaceful freedom. The more often we practice a breathing method the easier it will become to relax and receive healing benefits. We tend to neglect our lower lobes in the lungs so why not take a deep cleansing breath right now?

“He breathed on them, and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:22

God wants to be known by all His children. It is through Baptism He initially breathes His new breath of Spiritual life and begins a mystical relationship with us. It opens floodgates of grace to pour out powerful gifts of His own Holy Spirit. Consider it early divine intervention! This grace continually helps to discover His unique and holy will and empowers us to be the best we can be. Who does not need divine assistance now and again? Let us take another long, deep breath and rejoice in the day of our baptism!

Lately, we have become all too familiar with the use of ventilators. At times, the lungs need help to provide our bodies with the precious breath of life. God is actively enhancing medical science but simultaneously, in His mercy, He is incredibly present in our suffering. Could this explain why statistically, patients who have been faithfully prayed for have a greater percentage of recovery than those without prayer support? Breathe in deeply and recall the miraculous stories of medically unexplained healings. Never underestimate the power of prayer!

God’s Breath gives God’s Life

God is breathing His life into us at every single moment. His Spirit lives within all who truthfully seek Him. Jesus shows us the way to tap into this source of love from the Father. When we acknowledge His presence and come to believe in His power, we experience the amazing action of His Spirit. We become a ‘Breath of fresh air’ for those in need. Through ordinary people God does extraordinary things. Brace yourself, you may get blown away by the power of love!

These past few months have been more than challenging. We are experiencing a steep incline of loneliness, anxiety, and disturbing violence. Though restrictions are slowly being lifted, we still live in great uncertainty. Now, more than ever, we yearn for the peace only God can give…And He longs to give it.

As we wear masks to protect lives, let it be a reminder of the obvious realization…

What a precious gift it is to just breathe...

May we come to believe in His Holy Presence

with every breath we take.

Blessing of Peace to all…

Until our next walk through the garden…



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