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Writer's pictureAnne

Home Sweet Home

In the beginning…

We thank God for creating this beautiful planet we call home!

As we endure the difficulties of the pandemic, we are spending most of our time at home. No doubt, we might get cabin fever, but there are many blessings which come from being bound to our homes. We find ways to improve it. Painting a room, adding gym equipment or new furniture might make it more pleasing and more comfortable. And why not, after all…

Home is where the heart is.

Most of us are blessed to have a place to call HOME. Where do you call home? What makes it home for you? More than likely, it is where our treasures live and where our loved ones are or meet. It is where we caress our faithful pets and relax. We would all agree, there is nothing like the comforts of home. It is our safe refuge we return to time and again to just be ourselves.

Yet, as always, Jesus teaches us something radically new!

“Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay His head.” Luke 9:58

Our Lord left the comfort of His home to show us the way to our HEAVENLY HOME. He shows us how to live simply and detach from unnecessary things that might distract us from a virtuous way of life. His display of great trust in provisions from our Heavenly Father teaches us what is most important. The way to Heaven lies within us, not around us.

Most of us will never be courageous missionaries spreading the mighty Word of God as Jesus did. Our territory may barely reach beyond the walls of our living space. Yet, our homes are Domestic churches where we can faithfully display Holy icons, sacramentals, books, and bibles reminding us of our Ultimate Heavenly Home. May our homes be a safe refuge in these uncertain times!

Charity begins at home.

One of the greatest compliments we can give is to make one feel at home. Hospitality goes beyond the 4 walls of our houses. How comforting to receive a home cooked meal when going through trials. Many of us show our love by cooking food for them! When in conversation, do we give our undivided attention? Do we put their interests before our own? Do we try to understand before being understood? How do we make others feel SPECIAL?

Lead all souls to heaven.

Our souls long to return whence they came. In these dark unprecedented times of record high suicides, depression, and loneliness we can be a prayerful influence on those who have lost their way. Living an abundant life of blessing others, we recognize the spiritual reality in all we think, say, and do. We allow God’s light to shine brightly in us and through us to attract those who may be searching.

We all know many songs referring to finding the way home. Simon and Garfunkel are ‘Homeward Bound’. Grand Funk Railroad is getting ‘Closer to Home’. The Beatles sing about ‘Two of us’ on our way home and Billy Joel finds his home in his lover’s eyes. (Just to name a few.) To be at home is to experience great comfort, joy, and sweet love. When we are really at home, we are happy and content, the searching is over. Hmm…sounds like heaven to me!

Why not sing our favorite tunes and let our imagination take us out of this world! Why not sing of paradise!

Thankfully, we can enjoy a tiny bit of heaven right here on earth, yet it merely scratches the surface of the Glorious Eternal Home awaiting us! Scripture tells us…eye has not seen, ear has not heard, what God has ready for those who love Him.(1 Cor 2-9)

No need to tap our heals with ruby slippers.

Give thankful praise and sing to God…

There is no place like home!

Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden



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