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Writer's pictureAnne

Highest Heights

In the beginning…

God made the firmament and called it Heaven. We look to the skies and find the gateway to everlasting life.

“Having come down in a cloud, the Lord stood with Moses there and proclaimed the name of the Lord.” Ex 34:5

After the fall, through His unending Love, God continued to commune with us. Profound experiences begin in the early pages of Holy Scripture. Moses gave great witness and led his people in the presence of God within a descended cloud. God provided for His people the manna which fell from the heavens. The Glory of God filled the houses of the Lord in midst of a fallen cloud.

“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven…It shall not return to Me void.” Is 55:10-11

Through the dynamics of common weather, Isaiah paints a realistic picture of one unique way God stays in communion with us. Our Heavenly Father provides all the graces we need from above. Through the Incarnation, He created a passageway back to Him, back to the heavens. We are destined to return to the Father after fulfilling His will and glorifying Him in our purpose.

Clouds lend themselves as heavenly vehicles of grace. The wind blows as they move in unison, just as the Spirit blows across our souls. In His perfect timing, imagine the Holy Spirit descending upon a young virgin named Mary as He became man. We can easily experience the Heavenly presence of God the Father when we prayerfully enter in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His Son.

Outstanding events such as Jesus’ Birth, Baptism and Transfiguration are emphasized with the Glory of God very much present in the skies. A sight to behold when a cloud received Jesus in His Ascension back to His Father, forging the way for all!

Hosanna in the Highest!

The mysteries of faith are so beautifully envisioned in the Light of Truth streaming down through the clouds from the Highest Heights. With awesome and wonder, signs to bring us great HOPE and PEACE. In the troposphere, the most inner layer of our atmosphere, all elements are present for such miraculous events to occur. This realm of activity takes place so close, we can almost reach out and touch it! Our Creator wants us to know, He is so very near! Thus, making it easy to thank Him and praise Him!

Childlike Faith

As youngsters, we playfully look up to find images in the clouds as a fun and creative pastime. Our Lord welcomes little ones with their pure and humble hearts. Mark 10:14 What is stopping us from tapping into that same youthful trust we had as a child? Are we allowing the world’s influences to rob us of all God wants to lovingly reveal to His children? Perhaps walking around with your head in the clouds’ brings on new meaning!

“A great sign appeared in the sky” Rev 12:1

Clouds uphold angelic images and mystical wonders as they give depth to the heavens. Our future holds great possibilities as we prayerfully look to the skies! Allow your spirit to soar where the eagles fly! Place your TRUST in His plan and look at things from a new and higher perspective! Be inspired to reach the Highest Heights as He may have a special gift waiting just for you!

Feeling down?

Lift your heart to the Lord!

And look up! :)

Heavenly blessings to all…

Until our next walk through the garden…




Aug 30, 2020

As a child I learned that God is always with us. As a mature(?) adult. Are we ever truly mature? In Gods eyes we are still His children.

I also learned to pray and as I reached adulthood I was told no matter how much you have on your plate, each morning just say the sign of the Cross and dedicate your actions to God.

Today the Gospel made me think and feel that with are praying with mind, body and soul in Communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Each day we take a moment to thank God for the day whether it was good or bad over our dinner meal.


Aug 30, 2020

"You bestow on us blessings forever... You make us glad with the Joy of Your Presence" Psalm. 21:6. We carry God's presence everywhere we go. Everything we could want or need can be found in His heavenly presence...

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