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Writer's pictureAnne

Hiding in Plain Sight

In the beginning…

…Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” Gen 3:8-9

We cannot hide from God.

The Hidden Life of Jesus

During Jesus’ life on earth, we recall the many times folks did not recognize Him, yet He stood right in their midst. To many, the Christ child looked like just another baby. His kinfolk looked for a lost 12 year old boy, rather than the young Godman seeking Truth in His Father’s house.

Jesus began His ministry of bringing about the Kingdom of God in His teachings, healings and wonderous miracles. Yet, some considered it nonsense, sorcery or even demonic.

After His Resurrection, His own disciple did not believe it was truly the Master until He put his finger in His side and the risen Christ accompanied two men walking as a stranger to them until He revealed His true identity in the breaking of the bread. The examples could go on.

God hides in plain sight.

Jesus promised to be with us always, yet there are times when we cannot seem to find Him. So intense is the void that some sadly believe God has become inactive in this world. In these dark times of quarantine, loneliness, and uncertainty, do we often wonder where He is hiding? Do we question what God is up to?

Hide and Seek

As believers we know God is everywhere, but in our human limitations, we sometimes find ourselves playing hide and seek. Where is God in our suffering or the long, sleepless nights filled with anxiety? Do we hide from Him because of things we have done or failed to do? Does God look for us in those empty pews?

Although a somewhat overlooked topic, the ‘dark night of the soul’ is a reality. It is a time when one might feel abandoned by God. In her biography well worth reading, St. Teresa of Calcutta is reported of her own experience lasting roughly 50 years! This time of purification is a mystery, yet this Holy Servant found God in the poorest of poor. God is faithfully among His people yet challenges us at the same time. (Ps22)

We all experience times when it is difficult to sense God is near. Perhaps He stands back knowing we need to figure things out for ourselves, like any good parent watching their children grow and mature. It may be a season of learning our own capabilities of how to better serve Him. Some may need to reach total despair and hit ‘rock bottom’. Perhaps we cannot find God until we first find our true selves.

Just like in the child’s game, the more we think like Jesus, the easier it is to find His hiding places. In pursuing a life of virtue, we will see Him in the love of family, friends, and neighbor. We find Him in the compassionate good works offered to the less fortunate. We discover Him in the hearts of the faithful.

The Guise of Bread and Wine.

When we gaze at the Holy Eucharist, some of us see only bread and wine. Others assume it is a fine representation of Jesus’ Body and Blood. Believers come to know it is the Real Presence of Our Savior dwelling among us.

I invite you to visit Get to know a brand-new young Saint of our times. Discover the many miracles when Jesus revealed Himself directly and undisputedly in the most Holy Eucharist. Where there is a complete absence of natural explanation, even experts admit to miraculous activity!

God has His own ways to open wider our eyes of faith.

When we seek with a pure heart, we find He is not hiding at all.


Until our next walk through the garden



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