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Writer's pictureAnne

Give Me a Break!

The seasons are changing once again. We all enjoy the leaves turning to their warm hues of autumn. Perhaps we need time from our normal routine and plan a get away to enjoy the crisp fall air. We all should take a break from what we do.

However, the leaves aren’t the only things that are changing. Everything in this world is gradually, yet constantly passing from one form to another…including you and me. In scheduled getaways, we can reset our goals and recharge our spirit. Even Jesus took time to stop and rest, even though His presence was in high demand.

Sometimes a break comes without our consent. We are thrusted into a season of change beyond our human strength, and we find ourselves in unknown territory, a place where we’re not in control. Rarely are we prepared for these transforming periods leaving us feeling ungrounded, unsettled, or unproductive.

“Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth.” Is 43:19

God is always doing something new and exciting! His Heavenly kingdom is filled with holy men and women who have reached their ultimate eternal reward, through their own trials and tribulations. When we are going through tough times, feeling depressed, or just stuck in a holding pattern, why not seek advice from the Saints? They long to intercede for us and shed light on the path God personalizes for each one of us.

In the month of November, we celebrate all Saints. How many of us know them and call on them? They represent a whole realm of God’s Holy presence as Saints are Heavenly mediators. Each of their true-life stories puts a different spin on ways to achieve holiness. Each gives a fine example of how to give all for the glory of God.

Do we choose Saints, or do they choose us?

Sainthood is not limited to any lifestyle, though we may think of them as most pious wearing religious habits and robes. The truth is, we are all called to be one, no matter our vocation. There are more than 10,000 recognized Saints, though, sadly, some of these holy servants have been lost to history.

Getting to know a Saint is like making a new faithful friend who is in angelic company. They reside with our loving God and await to intercede for all who call upon them. When we begin to recognize them, they start to show evidence that they, in fact, are listening. We may unexpectedly hear their words of wisdom or happen upon a church bearing their name. Their feast day becomes significant as their fascinating life stories make a real impression in our hearts.

No coincidences with God… He is trying to get our attention and teach us something new!

Are you named after a Saint? If you are, why not get to know him or her? Allow them to become your patron Saint and foster new personal spiritual growth. You may have been given this name for specific purpose yet to be revealed. In biblical days, one’s given name was highly influential in God’s plan. We are gradually evolving, fulfilling our own call with the love and potential of the Holy Spirit.

Heaven begins within the Soul”- A quote from St. Teresa of Avila, my newest friend in heaven. Recently, I called on her for a favor and now she is making herself evident in many ways! I am gratefully open to the changes she is making in me, in favor of God. It gives me great joy!

Why not open your soul to the wonderful world of the Saints? We all find ourselves in unexpected pauses due to fear, doubt, suffering or just plain fatigue! Remember, God lives in this moment. He offers a Saint for all causes, and they live in the eternal moment! Their varied and interesting biographies will inspire us all, religious, and nonreligious alike.

Take a break and look to the great Saints for their true wisdom and guidance.

Let’s make new friends in Heaven!

Autumn Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden



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