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Writer's pictureAnne


In the beginning…

“It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him.” Gen 2:18

With pure Love and Compassion…God created FAMILY.

We are all part of a family, whether large or small, close knit or rather distant. For our well-being, the Creator of Life entrusts us to be raised in some form of family setting. By its definition, we first think of parents, children, and relatives. In a broader sense, we may include descendants of common ancestry. In Jesus’ eyes, we see F.A.M.I.L.Y. in a new light.

“For whoever does the will of My Father in heaven is My brother and sister and mother.” Matt 12:50

A modern-day Good Samaritan

There were countless others who passed by the poor homeless man that day. He searched until he found the one whose heart was softened enough to answer the call. A good Samaritan was led to this point at precisely the right time. Unbeknown to him, Jesus was about to reveal Himself. A hot meal was received, but much more was given in return.

Going beyond protocol, the willing servant made sure the hungry man was fed in the nearby restaurant with dignity, warmth, and respect. Oh, how delicious was that meal of love, and Oh, how the Lord rejoiced!

To be reassured he was in accordance with God’s will, the good Samaritan heard timely words of confirmation in Holy Scripture. He recalled prophetic words from his beloved grandmother. The noble act of kindness started a wonderful ripple effect of kindness and generosity. God sends Heavenly signs to confirm our good deeds! This day was unlike any other!

The now well-fed homeless man shows his heartfelt thanks with an embrace and a gift. Our Lord manifests Himself to us in ways uniquely designed to complement the seeds He has already planted within us. In this case it was a simple cloth band which read F.A.M.I.L.Y. The homeless man leaves the good Samaritan with words to remember in an unforgettable voice. This cloth band will mean much someday.

Who was this homeless man? What is this message?

Forget About Me, I Love You!

What happens when we step out of our comfort zone to help the less fortunate? We encounter the Living Christ! When we try to BE Christ for others, we begin to SEE Christ in others. We are part of the Trinitarian family Jesus came to unite.

As the Lenten Season begins, we consider ways to make a difference. We do not have to look far to find people in need. Through the concept of F.A.M.I.L.Y. we are empowered to be a source of SUPERNATURAL HOPE in a naturally broken world.

Will we decrease and allow Him to increase?

There is something mysterious about the common family as it grows beyond its definition. The selfless acts stemming from its acronym have become a widespread movement of much needed love, kindness, and mercy all over the world.

In the image of the most Holy Family,

May we all join in the spirit of F.A.M.I.L.Y.

Lenten Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden


(For more info on F.A.M.I.L.Y. visit


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