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Writer's pictureAnne

Divine Invitations

In the beginning…

Our well-being is formed in free will responses to God’s invitations.

From the moment we awake each morning, we make countless decisions. Most of them are involuntary, as they became mindless habits we choose to adopt in our daily routine. Then, there are the more important choices we often make that require good judgement. Sooner or later, we all come to crossroads, where we need real Godly discernment.

Our Heavenly Father invites us to include Him on ALL our decisions. His Spirit of discernment has been made known to us through His Son, making Holy rationality available to us. The familiar childhood question ‘What would Jesus do?’ has great value for folks of all ages!

We are continually invited to deepen our relationship with God. How often we may avoid this inner and most intimate calling for fear of what He might say or ask of us. When we TRUST in the One who knows our true capabilities, we can believe He gives us the grace we need to respond YES and live out His will. Never have I met anyone who found regret in answering God’s call. On the contrary, their depth of joy is immeasurable.


Guest lists these days have great restrictions. If we are invited to a gathering, it should be considered an honor and a timely response is expected. This is not unlike an invitation from God. We are ALL called to the Lord’s Heavenly Banquet. To be chosen is likely determined in the way we respond to His daily invitations. (Matt 22:14) How might God be inviting you to experience Him today?

Making a big decision can cause fear, where it should promote faith.

There are times when we second guess a hasty decision or realize we have made a wrong one. If we ask Him, God will work through our bad choices. As a Good Father, He truly wants to liberate us from making them at all. However, He will use our poor choices to teach us as we grow more Holy through their experiences. Live and learn as they say.

Seek Him in the Gift of Faith

When making an important decision, we sometimes look for signs from above to show us the right path. Our Creator understands our confused souls, and often sends one. Heavenly signs are a blessed confirmation of His approval but believing and trusting in the mysteries of our Christian Faith is all we really need. Our answer lies within a clear conscience and an awareness of God’s will.

Learn to Discern

  • Before committing to an important decision, be sure to PRAY! Quietly bring your concerns to the Lord. Ask to be enlightened in Truth. Listen for His inner promptings.

  • List pros and cons. Does this decision challenge your moral beliefs? Is this a virtuous choice or does it lean towards self-interests? How does this decision better serve the Lord?

  • Take time to confirm your decision. Perhaps talk it over with people who know you well.

  • “…Let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No.” Matt. 5:37

  • Choose, act, and be grateful.

Divine Invitations are customized for all God’s children.

Stay alert, there is one coming your way!

May we acknowledge them, be thankful for them, and R.S.V.P. today!

Blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden…



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