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Upon waking each morning, what might be your very first thoughts? Do you immediately plan out your busy day ahead? Do you begin with blessing in gratitude for another day of life? Or maybe you don’t give it a second thought, and move on to face the day before you.

Many of us, however, wake up to the new day at serious crossroads. We must face the decision once again to break away from an unhealthy behavior we are caught up in.

Whether it’s the use of mind altering substances or stuck in a lazy, immoral lifestyle, too many of us fall victim to addictive behavior. There is a constant battle going on in our minds controlling our thoughts, words and actions. How do we break free?

As we all know, the first step is to acknowledge we, in fact, have a problem. Then, do we truly want to break free from this bad habit? Is it damaging to our mind, our body or even our soul? How is our behavior affecting others? Accepting the harsh reality of addiction is extremely difficult. Yet, we must be true to ourselves.

Sometimes, in extreme cases, we call this personal awareness hitting ‘rock bottom’. We recognize the addiction is bigger than we are. We come to a most crucial crossroad. If we continue this abusive behavior, could we end up homeless, institutionalized, or even worse, dead? Or do we have the courage to surrender?

Bill W. is one of the 2 founders of a most successful addiction treatment program. His story is worth reading. He tells of his rock bottom moment and how he came to formulate Alcoholics Anonymous. Like so many others, at his lowest point, in his torment, he calls upon God…If you are real, please help me now!

When we have nothing left but God, we discover God is all we need.

Bill shares his moment in time when God comes alive. His mega experience made him more aware of his inner self and he saw more clearly the divine essence within. It left such a deep impression. It illuminated his spiritual eyes of understanding. It opened a new world of consciousness.

He went on to encourage others to use religious and spiritually based values day by day, step by step, to break free from addictive behavior.

Each daily decision we make is based upon self respect. We must not see ourselves as a pawn of desires waiting for failure, but rather, as spiritual beings seeking holy transformation. Faith opens our hearts beyond the restrictions of addiction. It allows grace to elevate and transform our human nature.

As believers, we allow our minds to be influenced by God. We pray our mind and the spirit of God will work together, and in that clarity, we learn to love our true self!

This is a delicate topic, one that is close to my own heart. We all know someone who has lost the fierce battle of addiction. We all know someone who is currently struggling in its evil grips. Let us pause a moment to offer a prayer for those who are closest to your heart.

May we all be open to the light of private revelation and find the presence of God, wherever we may be, on our own journey towards heaven.

Life is one long conversion, filled with countless crossroads. Will we choose vice or surrender in virtue?

Let Love of God be our new obsession!

And before we know it, day by day, step by step, we will sing a new song,

perhaps one by Robert Palmer...

‘Might as well face it…we’re addicted to LOVE!’

Peace, freedom and blessings to all.

Until our next walk through the garden


1 comment

1 Comment

Oct 25, 2022

So true, thank you for writing this!

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