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Circle of Trust

In a world filled with division and uncertainty, it is difficult to have a peaceful conversation. With emotions like anger and fear getting in the way of TRUTH, our disagreements only hinder our coming together for the common good.

Who do we go to when we are troubled or unsure? Where do we go to let our guard down and be totally ourselves? Who is in your circle of trust?

To help you distinguish who is in your circle of trust, let’s look at Jesus’ perfect example.

While our Lord walked this earth, He surely had His inner circle. We know them as the Apostles. They were called by name to learn personally from the Divine Teacher Himself as they were his companions. Jesus knew their special gifts and saw they needed polishing. They would be trusted to use them to ultimately serve all God’s people.

Then, there were His disciples. This vast group of people heard about the Christ and BELIEVED in Him. They marveled at His miracles and craved for His words of Truth. They recognized their brokenness and understood who He truly was. They followed Him…everywhere!

The rest of the population were like strangers to our Lord. They didn’t recognize His Divinity. They resisted Him, falsely accused Him, and wanted to get rid of Him. They had their own agenda, and their narrow minds blocked the Light Jesus so desperately wanted to shed on them.

If we lived in the days of Jesus, where would we place ourselves? Would we willingly give up everything if He were to call us personally by name, as He did the Apostles? Do we appreciate the religious and holy orders that graciously still answer that call today?

Would we continue our own worldly path, determined in our own accomplishments, filled with material happiness? Hmmm, what does Jesus teach us about that?

Most likely, we would fall somewhere in the category of discipleship. It’s important to understand, once we are introduced to Jesus Christ, it’s our choice to open our hearts and get to know Him better. We decide daily who He is to us. Does this determine our level of discipleship? Do we follow Him…everywhere?

“I have called you by name; You are Mine.” Is 43:1

With the help of the Holy Spirit, the first Apostles did a fine job establishing and passing down the traditions, precepts, and magisterium unifying our one true faith. Through our Baptism we too are called, personally by name to God Himself. We now have the same responsibility of recognizing and polishing our own spiritual gifts. We too are trusted to use them to serve all people.

Tough sandals to fill? You bet…But we have help! The first followers of Jesus stuck together and prayerfully helped one another in discernment. They were sent out in twos (Mark 6:7) to build fellowship and support. It’s important to spend time with likeminded people and share our experiences with the reliance of the Holy Spirit. Listen to one another and pray together.

Pause now and consider who is in your own Circle of Trust

Be it family, friends, a faith sharing group or those joined together in serenity prayer…

Give thanks for them…pray for them…

And may we become Light for others.

Blessings when 2 or more are gathered in His name!

Until our next walk through the garden


1 comment

1 comentário

Michele Gannon
Michele Gannon
26 de fev. de 2022

You are in my Circle of Trust. I feel blessed to know you. Thank you for your servant leadership, your wisdom and your faith. Much love to you, Michele

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