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  • Writer's pictureAnne

Be Mine

Those sugary little hearts still endear us with their cute little sayings!

Valentine’s Day, as sweet as it is, has been manipulated by commercialism. It has become customary for 2 people to express their admiration for one another with a special date or a gift. Perhaps, for some, it is now expected, and the more expensive the gift, the better.

I’d like to visit the origin of this little celebration. And yes, it all begins with LOVE.

St. Valentine is the patron saint of love. Born in Italy in 226 AD, he was ordained a priest and then a bishop. He was known for his efforts of evangelization, healings and miracles. He lived in Rome under Emperor Claudius III, who prohibited matrimony among young people. The cold hearted ruler believed that “single men without families made better soldiers, since they were not attached to anyone.

Valentine would not comply with this order and married young couples in secret. This challenged the emperor and he had Valentine incarcerated, tortured and ultimately decapitated on Feb. 14, 273 AD. It wasn’t until the 14th Century, when the Bishop’s martyrdom gained popularity, spurring this day as the Day of Love which we celebrate still today.

Perhaps St. Valentine’s story might put a new appreciation on this day for lovers. It is an opportunity to celebrate the TRUTH about LOVE! As human beings, we naturally desire to love and to be loved. Made in God’s image and likeness we can find love, for He is the fount of love itself.

‘You shall be my people, and I will be your God’

The most intimate love story we could read will forever be the Holy Bible. Starting with the ideal of courtship, Love Itself is expressed in God’s joy of creation. Then, there is the desire of the Lover to be with His beloved. The yearning, trust and faithfulness are all professed within a covenant.

Each book in Holy Scripture contains an element of Holy Love. Those who read the Word with hearts open to the Spirit of Love, have the opportunity to enter into it. Who doesn’t read a romantic novel without the hopes of being taken away somewhere emotional and picturesque? There is nothing more enticing than the Word of God! Why not let the Him sweep you off your feet! Let Him take you to paradise!

Bible stories teach us about faith, hope and trust in the relationship between God and His people. We learn the truth about marriage, and (theologically speaking) consummating a marriage! Loving, committed marriages are a reflection of God’s true and faithful love for us. He expresses Himself in Holy Scriptures with timeless TRUTHS and there by His grace we discover truth and love are one.

The book “Song of Songs” brings much debate from scholars. It is written in the language of love, inclusive with alluring and even erotic passages. Is this a description of what holy married love should be? Or is it an allegory of God’s love for His people? Why not open your bible and read it prayerfully? What might God be saying to your heart? The more you know Him, the more you will love Him!

St. Valentine’s Day reminds us of Jesus’ new commandment. “Love one another; even as I have loved you” (Jn 13:) There are many ways we can show love to our neighbor, our family, friends, and to our special someone. But there are creative ways to return our love to God.

One fun way is to sing your favorite love songs but direct them to God! Enjoy these familiar tunes as they take on new meaning! And smile, as it will enhance your personal love affair with our Eternal Holy Companion!

Sometimes, in the silence of my heart, and in the depths of my soul, I hear a gentle voice asking “Will you be mine?” And I sigh my reply ,“Yes Lord, with the help of your grace, I am forever yours!”

I pray we all fall madly in love with our God, the One who loves us most!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Until our next walk through the garden-

Yours Truly,



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