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Band of Survivors

In the beginning…

Corruption of the moral law spread like an evil virus. Throughout history, time and again, unrighteous behavior grew popular and loyal followers of Yahweh lost their way. Thankfully, in the Spirit of Hope, a mere remnant remained faithful to the Lord God.

Starting as early as Genesis, we read how Joseph was determined by God to be a great leader. Fulfilling the covenant between God and his great grandfather Abraham, Joseph in his symbolic coat of many colors, was called to preserve a remnant of God’s faithful people. His fascinating story shows how we come to acknowledge the great Band of Survivors. Gen 45:7

History Repeats Itself

There will always be periods of crisis. Until our Lord returns, tribulation will be part of our broken world. In the same Spirit of Hope witnessed in the past, there is always a remnant of faithful survivors who hold steadfast to God’s loving precepts and values. Their prayerful courage endures the conflict of their times and remains firmly planted to flourish anew. Let us offer prayers of thanksgiving for our Spiritual Warriors who have fought before us!

...So, what about today?

Put on the Armor of God!

There is a conflict of the future going on all around us. Those of us who live by faith know the only true way to overcome chaotic destruction of our society is to FIGHT in the SPIRITUAL WARFARE! We also know God would never allow the unrighteous to prevail! If God is for us, who can be against us? Rom 8:31

We are taught how to successfully arm ourselves for this battle. Ephesians 6:10-18 describes it beautifully. It speaks of truth and peace. A shield of faith protects the way of salvation. It is a powerful image of a Soldier of Christ! Pray always in the Spirit of humility and we are ready for anything!

“Lord, to whom shall we go?” John 6:68

Once we are enlightened in the Truth, it is unwise to turn from it. We only hurt ourselves when we turn from God. When we come to believe He is the source of all LIFE and provides all HOPE, there is nowhere else to go, especially in difficult times. Though it is very unpopular to talk about God, every now and then we find an open door of receptivity. In these bright incidences, REJOICE! We have found another Soldier of God!

Victory of Amazing Grace

Heroic witnesses of faith have bravely endured evil persecution many times before. We cannot allow discouragement or fear to destroy our hope in God’s great plan for us! Friends, our churches are filling up again! We are in a time of great opportunity to stir up our faith and become stronger witnesses to Our Lord’s Grace and Divine Mercy! If we truly believe in God’s moral law, we are already a part of the remnant God has equipped for the job at hand.

Let us put on the Armor of God and discover how best we can serve in this spiritual war! We are all called to do our part, as we are all significant in this battle. We, the faithful family of God, are in this together. We are the great Band of Survivors of these times!

Onward, Christian Soldiers,

Marching as to war,

With the Cross of Jesus

Going on before!

Sabine Baring-Gould

Under the protection of St. Michael,

Blessings to all…

Until our next walk through the garden…


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