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Writer's pictureAnne

At Rainbows End

In the beginning…

God made a promise to Noah.

“I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.” Gen 9:13

Our world is full of many wonders, but the rainbow is high on the list for getting our attention. Who does not pause to take in the beauty of a glorious rainbow? It is always a delightful surprise when we spot one. We are eager to share the heavenly gift by pointing it out or taking a picture to capture the moment.

A rainbow continues to be a powerful sign of God’s promises. Its timely appearance may be quite noteworthy as it appears most often after stormy weather. No coincidence, as we all experience difficult seasons through our lifetime. Rainbows represent Hope in our faithful God and brings a new perspective to the days ahead. As with all of God’s gifts, it is freely given from above to lift us in His mercy.

“Let There Be Light” Gen 1:3

After creating the heavens and the earth, God first presented light. His initial purpose was to give separation from darkness. Metaphorically, this alone brings great significance to our spiritual life as we all strive to live in the light of Truth. In this brilliant concept, it is perfectly clear why God would use light, along with other elements of the natural world, to communicate with His beloved children. He loves to dazzle us with His Mysteries of Light!

The essence of a rainbow is much more than refraction and dispersion of light. It takes on heavenly qualities as we take in its perfected beauty. The arc reveals only a portion of its majestic self as it longs to come full circle, a reminder of our eternal life. Its vibrant colors represent all possible emotion making it easy for each of us to spiritually connect to our hearts’ deepest desires.

Their amazing but all too brief appearances continue to fill us with wonder and awe, just as the Creator had intended. A rainbow is a popular sign connecting us to a loved one or it may bring hope when we are in need. Perhaps it is a special time to make a prayerful wish. Could it be an awesome confirmation of His Spirit within us? Whatever a rainbow means for you, Behold, and give thanks! For our faithful God is with us!

Pot of Gold?

Familiar folklore tells of a jolly leprechaun who dances for joy as he finally reaches the end of a rainbow and finds a pot of gold. Sadly, too many of us buy lottery tickets in false hopes of chasing worldly happiness that lies BENEATH the rainbow rather than putting our trust in God’s plan of eternal treasures which awaits us BEYOND the rainbow.

In a popular song, Yip Harburg beautifully describes his view from ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’. It is, perhaps, a playful depiction of heaven as it represents hope in a confused and troubled world. Possibly why it is so relevant even today! As we struggle beneath the heavenly spectrum, God offers these perfectly timed moments to help us through this valley of tears. If happy little bluebirds fly beyond the rainbow, by the Grace of God, so can we!

In the first two commandments given to us through Moses, we find a simplified version of God’s written contract. He greatly desires we willingly agree to this formal arrangement. From the very beginning, He has kept faithful to His word. He has always provided for us and ultimately gave His only begotten Son to redeem us. And if that is not enough, He continues to uphold His promises as we witness His Holy Spirit powerfully working through us, with us and in us.

God is always giving His life and love to us.

Isn’t it time we give our life and love back to God?

A rainbow of blessings to all!

Until our next walk through the garden

- Anne



May 26, 2020

Thank you Anne. I love your message❤️


Susan Forsyth Barrett
Susan Forsyth Barrett
May 21, 2020

Anne, thank you again for another inspirational message. I love reading your thoughts. You lift my spirits each and every time. God Bless you, Anne. I look forward to your next post.



May 21, 2020

Every now and then after a summer rain, right out my door over the garden, and above the mountains is a "double" rainbow!!!! ......and it's always to the east?!?...hmmm??

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