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Angels of the Desert

The wind is harsh. The air is dry. The sand is lifeless and barren. The desert can be a most uninviting, least appealing place.

So why would we ever want to go there?

Some of us are adventurous and literally choose to trek out into the barrens. But in our spiritual journey, it takes a step of faith to enter the desert. It can be a place of refuge or solitude. A state of mind where we remove distractions and renew our spirit. When experiencing spiritual dryness or lack of creativity we retreat to the desert for a recharge. Perhaps we go for preparation or discernment. Often, it can mean suffering.

For whatever reason we are led, we enter the desert to find God.

“Immediately the Spirit drove Jesus into the wilderness. He was there forty days, tempted by Satan, and was with the wild beasts. And the angels ministered to Him.” Mark 1:12-13

In His humanity, Jesus knew weakness and temptation. God sent angels to attend to His needs as He prayed fervently and fasted with great purpose, thus resisting all evil.

During our Lenten 40 days, we recall Jesus’ experiences in the desert. He was led away to prepare emotionally, physically, and spiritually for the onset of His public ministry. With the help of God’s ‘Holy Ones’ He was fortified and equipped to do the incredibly difficult will of His Father.

If the Heavenly Father provided angels to minister to His Beloved Son, we can be sure He would do the same for us.

Fathers of the Desert

We can learn from the Master Teacher how to find God when we need Him most. As we search for Him in our own trials, note the example of many before us. Saints like Francis, Dominic and Benedict took the desert life seriously. These Fathers of the Desert preferred to live apart from the world to remove distractions, raise their prayer life and allow God’s ‘Holy Ones’ to provide all their needs as well. In silence they stepped out in faith. In the wilderness, they found adventure in God.

A selected few could live the radical life of a monk, but through their honorable sacrifices, they have paved roads that continue to lead us to the Living God. Orders of pure devotional prayer and simple living emerged when they removed worldly distractions and cleared their vision to serve God alone. Strengthened by angels in their wilderness, they now dwell among them in paradise!

Our awareness of Angels relates to FAITH in the One who sends them.

Holy Scripture contains over 300 passages referring to angels. They possess great intelligence, knowledge, and wisdom and they can heal us, teach us, and guide us. It is no wonder God continues to send angels to help His People of faith. Messengers from heaven have been proved time and again of their miraculous activity as they assist us in our need.

Wherever we are in our walk with the Lord, there will be times when we need to enter our own desert. When we do, we are never alone. Whether we willingly choose to retreat or are forced to isolate, we can step out in faith for our own adventure with God and His messengers.

What drives you into the desert?

Allow the angels to lead you to your oasis of peace.

May all be blessed!

Until our next walk through the garden



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