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Writer's pictureAnne

A Word to the Wise

In the beginning…

The Wisdom of God was bestowed upon Patriarchs, Judges and Profits to guide the chosen people. Israel was meant to faithfully represent God to the world. Subsequently, they wished to be like all other nations and pleaded for the rule of an earthly king. Although He was rejected, Yahweh honored their freewill decision and allowed the Israelites to appoint themselves a king.

Solomon was the tenth and last son of David, an unlikely choice for succession to the king. Yet, King David saw ‘Godly wisdom in his youngest son and gave him the throne with great confidence.

King Solomon asked for wisdom over all earthly things, making this his most renowned and admirable quality. In the Wisdom of God, he authored 3 books in our Holy Bible. Song of Solomon, Proverbs and Ecclesiastes are packed full of incredible Biblical Truths most relevant and useful for us today.

Words of Wisdom…

Words to live by.

A Word FROM the Wise

Wisdom is most associated with experienced elders with sound judgement. Through God’s great mercy, Our Lady of Wisdom was given to all mankind at the foot of the cross in Calgary. What a blessing it is to have a wise and caring advisor whom we can turn to in times of discernment. Who comes to your mind when you need faithful advice?

When we take the time to listen patiently to our trusted mentors God has put in our lives, we too may become enriched with faithful encouragement. To help fulfill the order of things, we are meant to become the voice of reason for those who come after us. It connects the generations with a loving experiential exchange.

Words of Wisdom…

Words to live by.

A Time for Everything

In the late 1950’s, Pete Seeger wrote a song reflecting the times. It became very popular when the ‘Byrds’ recorded the hit "Turn! Turn! Turn!" in the tumultuous 1960’s. I would like to say it was cowritten by King Solomon, for it is, in fact, quoting his wisdom filled Scripture penned way back in the eleventh century BC! Eccl 3:1-8

The lyrics suggest there is a time to every purpose under the heavens. A time to love, a time to hate. We do not have to look far to see the unrest in our world around us. Sacred Words of Wisdom are eternal as the song still rings true today. Continue reading (or singing) this passage, and we come to benefit tremendously when we truly understand it is in GOD’S TIME and for GOD’S PURPOSE. Eccl 3:9-13

Words of Wisdom...

Words to live by.

The Gift of Wisdom

Wisdom is among the 7 gifts freely given to God’s children. When we sincerely pray for the wisdom of God, we ask for our minds and hearts to be opened allowing us to understand God’s point of view… to see what God sees. (No worries, He will only give us what we can handle!) In this Holy Grace we recognize the TRUTH. A good person uses this Truth to find Godly solutions and returns the favor with Praise and Thanksgiving! As Solomon teaches us, it is all for the asking!

God continues to send His Wisdom to us through modern day profits. They may be anyone placed in our path today. Let us be open to God’s messengers. If we free our minds of skepticism, we too will find ourselves speaking prophetic words of wisdom!

The gentle breeze of His Spirit blows where it pleases.

Serenity Prayer

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And WISDOM to know the difference.

Words of Wisdom…

Words to live by.

Blessings to all…

Until our next walk through the garden…

- Anne



Jul 20, 2020

What a lovely way to start the day. Thank you Anne.


Michele Gannon
Michele Gannon
Jul 20, 2020

Thank you Anne for sharing God's message and His desire for us to pray for wisdom. You are His gentle Prophet...Much love and gratitude.

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